Fernando Dorado

Revamping Pfizer's ISI: Smaller & Collapsible Format

Unlocking the potential of Pfizer's brand websites demanded a transformation in the way Important Safety Information (ISI) was presented. Our mission was to establish a cohesive experience across all platforms, harmonizing the ISI standards within Pfizer's Helix Design System, updating outdated FDA guidelines, and ultimately proposing innovative changes. By prioritizing user understanding, engagement, and reducing friction associated with the ISI component, our objective was to elevate patient comprehension, minimize medication errors, and foster a seamless user experience.

Product Design
Revamping Pfizer's ISI: Smaller & Collapsible Format



Our goal was to create a consistent experience across all Pfizer brand websites. To achieve this, we needed to create a new ISI standard for our Helix Design System, update Pfizer's existing ISI guidelines, and propose the changes to the FDA. Through the implementation of a consistent format for conveying important safety information on our websites, our aim is to enhance patient comprehension, minimize the likelihood of medication errors, and improve overall website engagement. By reducing friction associated with the ISI component, we strive to create a seamless user experience that prioritizes user understanding and engagement.

Challenges and Outdated Guidelines

Confronted with ambiguous FDA guidelines last revised in 2009, our journey began by unraveling the complexities of the existing ISI landscape. These guidelines lacked specificity, leaving interpretation to Pfizer's Medical and Regulatory bodies. Consequently, the current ISI size (a minimum of 20% of the screen) failed to account for the diversity of modern screen sizes and their impact on user experience.

FDA Guidelines

Competitive Analysis

To gain a comprehensive understanding of ISI best practices, we conducted an extensive competitive analysis, examining the approaches of various pharmaceutical companies. We observed a range of styles, sizes, and placements, including smaller ISIs and innovative modal and hero implementations. This analysis became the foundation for our reimagined ISI strategy.

Multiple ISIs, Inconsistent Experience

With over 150 prescription brands under Pfizer's umbrella, each brand followed its own ISI style, leading to a fragmented and resource-intensive maintenance process. We sought to consolidate these disparate components into a single standardized ISI format across all patient-facing websites, mirroring the successful approach used for PfizerPro websites. This streamlining aimed to enhance compliance, avoid legal repercussions, and provide a cohesive experience to patients.

150+ prescription sites with different ISI styles.

Consistent ISI experience across all 58 PfizerPro websites.

Insights from User Testing

To validate our hypotheses and inform our design decisions, we leveraged analytics data, user interaction heatmaps, and recorded usability testing sessions with patients. These sessions uncovered valuable insights, revealing frustration among users due to the size of the ISI, which obstructed their ability to consume website content. Armed with this knowledge, we set out to optimize the ISI component to create a more user-friendly experience.

Design Prototypes

With user feedback in mind, we developed four distinct prototype styles: Current Experience, Universal Patient Language, Modal, and Hero. These prototypes were further refined for both mobile and desktop screens, creating a total of eight interactive prototypes. By providing users with options for a smaller ISI and a collapsible feature, we aimed to reduce distractions and provide unobstructed access to website content.

1. Current Experience Prototype

This prototype displays the ISI in its original format; 20% of the viewport height with Indication content on the left side and ISI content on the right side.

2. Universal Patient Language Prototype

This prototype follows the guidance provided by the UPL website, which recommends using icons, white space, and simpler language to present safety information.

3. Modal Prototype

This prototype presents the ISI as a modal window, which is a pop-up that appears on top of the main page content. The modal includes a small paragraph of the ISI, as well as two buttons that allow users to choose how they want to interact with the information.

4. Hero Prototype

This prototype is prominently displayed at the top of the page, in the hero section, to ensure it is immediately visible to users. The design allows it to be unobtrusive, so as not to interfere with users' browsing experience. As the user scrolls down the page, the ISI transitions to a small, floating format that stays fixed at the bottom of the screen, but remains visible and easily accessible.

User-Centric Findings

Through usability testing sessions with patients, we gained invaluable feedback that highlighted their expectations and preferences for the ISI experience. Patients tend to rely on healthcare professionals for ISI guidance, scanning for pertinent information and valuing easily accessible and uninterrupted experiences. Desktop computers emerged as the preferred medium for reviewing ISI due to their larger screens facilitating the consumption of dense text. Understanding these user-centric insights helped shape our solutions.

Impacts and Documentation

The profound implications of our research were reflected in the compelling results we obtained. By reducing the average ISI size from 27% to a more optimized scale, we not only improved user engagement but also maximized valuable screen real estate. The comprehensive ISI sizing guidelines and high-fidelity prototypes we developed enabled seamless collaboration with developers and Pfizer's Digital Review Team, ensuring a clear implementation process. Additionally, we updated Pfizer's Design System documentation to include thorough ISI guidelines, empowering future initiatives with a strong foundation.


The impact of our redesigned ISI approach is significant and far-reaching. By implementing a consistent and optimized ISI experience across all Pfizer brand websites, we anticipate the following positive outcomes:

  1. Enhanced User Engagement: With a reduced ISI size and improved accessibility, users will have a more engaging and unobstructed browsing experience. This will encourage increased interaction with website content, resulting in higher user satisfaction and prolonged engagement.
  2. Improved Patient Comprehension: The standardized ISI format, incorporating user-friendly language and clear visual cues, will enhance patient comprehension of important safety information. By presenting the information in a digestible and accessible manner, patients will have a better understanding of the risks and benefits associated with Pfizer's medications.
  3. Minimized Medication Errors: By optimizing the ISI component and making it more prominent and comprehensible, we aim to reduce the likelihood of medication errors. Patients will have clearer visibility of crucial safety information, empowering them to make informed decisions about their healthcare.
  4. Streamlined Maintenance and Compliance: Consolidating the multiple ISI styles into a single standardized format will simplify the maintenance process and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. This streamlining will save valuable development resources and mitigate legal risks associated with inconsistent ISI implementation.
  5. Unobtrusive User Experience: The introduction of a collapsible ISI format represents a significant improvement in user experience. With the collapsible feature, the ISI remains easily accessible when needed but remains unobtrusive by default. This ensures that users can seamlessly browse and interact with the website's content without being visually overwhelmed by the safety information. By striking a balance between providing access to important safety information and preserving a clean and focused browsing experience, the collapsible ISI enhances user satisfaction and reduces distractions. Users can now explore the website without interruptions, resulting in a more enjoyable and efficient user experience.

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